Kew Medical Practice

14 High Park Road, Kew, Richmond, TW9 4BH

Telephone: 020 8487 8292

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Physio/MSK Self Referral

If you have a Richmond GP, you can now access the local NHS physiotherapy service directly, without seeing your GP first. Any person above 16 years of age can refer themselves directly to a physiotherapist without seeing a GP. We provide specialist assessment, early advice, and treatment for people with back, neck or joint complaints; problems following injuries; muscle or tendon problems or any recent changes in a long-standing condition.

If imaging (X-Ray,MRI, or Ultrasound) or a consultant opinion is required, this will all be arranged. Once we receive your referral, we will: either send you advice and appropriate guidance, exercises in the post or by email, or, arrange a face-to-face assessment.

All patients are prioritised as either urgent or routine according to their clinical need. Before Submitting A Referral Please Read The Important Information Below

If you have recently developed any of the following please consult your GP before referring yourself to physiotherapy:

Changes in your bladder or bowel habits

Numbness or tingling around your back passage or genitals

Numbness, pins and needles, or weakness in both legs

Please discuss with your GP before submitting a Referral if you have any of the following:

A hot swollen joint

Constant severe pain that you are unable find relief from

Unexpected weight loss

Generally feel unwell or have a fever

How do I contact the services?

Via the internet: You can refer yourself to the service online at Click on this link or enter the address and it will take you directly to the self-referral form that you need to complete and send.

Once submitted, your requirements will be assessed by a senior physiotherapist. They will aim to contact you within four working days, if needed you can expect a routine physiotherapy appointment within 4-6 weeks or, an urgent appointment within 1 week.

If you are unable to use a computer or do not have someone to help you, you can call the team on 020 8714 4019 between 10.00am and 12.30pm. The team will go through the form with you and fill it in on your behalf.

For further patient information visit:

Physiotherapy – self referral

The getUBetter app is provided free of charge by Richmond CCG for patients
registered at Kew Medical Practice. It can be accessed on a Smartphone or on the
Web and guides you day-by-day through a sequence of exercises and tips to help you
get better from a range of new or recurrent musculoskeletal conditions:
• Lower back pain
• Back and leg pain
• Neck Pain
• Shoulder Pain
• Ankle Pain
• Knee Pain
• Soft Tissue Lower Limb

You will be referred to the App by one of our GPs or Physio, or you can self-register by clicking on Click for Link

Please use an email address that is unique to you and select the condition you need
help to manage. You will then be sent an email with all the information you need to
get started.
You can download the getUBetter App to your Smartphone for easiest access or use
the Webapp
If you develop another condition register again with the same email address, select
your new condition and it will be added to your account.
The app will also connect you to your local; treatment, healthcare providers or
support services if needed like Physiotherapy.


Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:30pm
    02:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 01:30pm
    02:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 01:30pm
    02:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 01:30pm
    02:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 01:30pm
    02:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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